evolve FCU is your resource. 浏览我们的常见问题解答,它将指导您解决任何可能影响您财务状况的突发事件或变化.
Powers of Attorney
委托书是在现有账户上使用的,当一个已成立的成员指定另一个人作为他们的实际代理人或代理人. 在进行交易之前,他/她必须签署一份律师/代理人的宣誓书.
- Designates another person as attorney in fact or agent.
- Is signed by adult principal.
- 包含表明委托人意图的措辞,即权力授予事实上的代理人, or agent, 即使被执行人其后丧失行为能力或行为能力,亦须执行.
- 被授权在任何州的法律下接受转让契约的承认和管理宣誓的公证人面前,由委托人承认.
Deceased Members
Processes will vary when one of our members passes away. 贷款、会员是主要帐户持有人还是联名帐户持有人等因素将决定如何处理该帐户. Generally, a joint member, 家庭成员或其他代表将成员的死亡通知信用社.
Wire Transfers
Note: 根据会员计划(见收费会员计划及收费表)收取外发电汇费用。. 接收机构可能会收取电汇费用,这可能会影响最终存入收件人的美元金额.
Membership Plan & Fee Schedule
Note: Wiring instructions must be fully verified before they are sent. 演进FCU代表可能需要打电话核实您的信息.
Transaction Disputes
From the main menu on your mobile app, tap on Messages:
- Tap on the blue pencil on the top right.
- Under Subject, type Dispute Transaction.
- Under Choose Attachment Type, select Transaction Record.
- Locate the transaction and tap on the box to the left. If multiple transactions are to be disputed, tap on each transaction.
Note: 一笔“待处理”的交易,在它提交到账户之前,是不能有争议的.
- Tap on Attach Selected Items at the bottom of the screen.
- 包括一条信息,说明纠纷的原因,如未经授权或欺诈.
- Tap Send.
From the main menu on Home Banking, tap on Messages:
- Click on New message on the top left of the screen.
- Under Subject, choose Account Support.
- Click Select Attachment Type on the top right of the screen.
- Locate the transaction and tap on the box to the left. If multiple transactions are to be disputed, tap on each transaction.
Note: 一笔“待处理”的交易,在它提交到账户之前,是不能有争议的
- Click Attach Selected Items.
- In Message 正文,陈述争议交易的原因,如未经授权的欺诈.
- Click Send.
Account Closing
NOTE: Only the primary account holder is allowed to close the account. A check will be mailed to the address on file unless requested otherwise.
The following information must be included in the letter:
- Date
- Primary account holder's name
- Account number
- A statement that you wish to close the account
- Copy of primary's valid identification
- Signature
如果缺少上述任何一项,将会延迟结账. 如欲删除您的网上银行帐户及资料,请电邮至 info@xc990.com with your account number and username.
Members are encouraged to add a beneficiary to their accounts, especially for single-ownership accounts. 他/她可以选择以后增加受益人,也可以选择以后更改受益人.
Q. How do I add or change a beneficiary to my account?
A. 添加或更改帐户的受益人将需要新的签名(帐户)卡. 更改将适用于指定帐户(储蓄,支票,俱乐部帐户等).) except for IRAs. 签名卡必须完整,包括所有授权签署人的首字母缩写和签名. Email the completed form to info@xc990.com.
Q. What information do I need to provide about the beneficiary?
A. 您需要提供受益人的姓名、地址、电话号码、出生日期和关系.
Q. How do I change the beneficiary to my IRA?
A. 联系电子银行中心(915)593-5866更改IRA受益人.
NOTE: 您需要提供受益人的姓名、出生日期、社会保险号和地址.
Relinquish Form & Hold Harmless Agreement
NOTE: When the primary account holder submits a Hold Harmless Agreement, the joint owner will be removed from all shares (savings, checking, money market, etc.). A "co-borrower" on a loan may not be removed from a loan.
Completed Hold Harmless Agreements can be emailed to info@xc990.com.